Elena Altheman has written for several animated shows such as the awarded “Irmão do Jorel” (2014), “Menino Maluquinho” (TBA), “Clube da Anittinha” (2018), “Gigablaster” (2019) and many other diverse projects. She is the co-author of “Livro Fenomenal do Irmão do Jorel”, published in 2021 by Harper Collins. She has also written for live-action shows such as “Auto Posto” (2020) and “A Culpa é da Carlota” (2020). Her work can be seen on Netflix, Cartoon Network, HBOMax, Comedy Central and others.
With “Irmão do Jorel”, Elena was nominated for the 2019 International Emmy Kids Awards, and won the I and the III ABRA Awards for Best Teenage/ Children Screenplay.
Elena is currently a PhD candidate at Concordia University, Canada. Her research discusses the history of labour and public policies within the animation industry, focusing on Brazilian animation and marginalized cultures. In 2018 she was the recipient of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Award (ELAP), undertaking an exchange program at Concordia University in Montréal, Canada, during her Masters.
She also teaches screenwriting and creative writing.
Irmão do Jorel. Livro Fenomenal + Stickers
Book + stickers to customize the cover! All Jorel’s brother wanted to start the school year with the right foot – and galosh – was the Brutal notebook, which has Steve Magal surfing a missile on its cover, shiny stickers and a camouflage kit to help skipping classes. Every single one of his classmates got one… But he didn’t. All he got was an old notebook from Jorel, with all its pages priorly erased by his father, who calls it the “Phenomenal notebook”. “Phenomenal”… What is phenomenal about an old and grimy notebook? At first, not much. But anyone who knows Jorel’s brother knows that, with him, the most mundane situations turn into the most amazing adventures. A re-used notebook becomes the hilarious Jorel’s Brother’s Phenomenal Book. There are almost 200 pages of epic and exclusive stories written and illustrated by Jorel’s Brother himself!